Kharvas is a traditional Indian dessert cherished for its subtle sweetness and creamy texture. Originating from the western regions of India, this delicacy was historically made from colostrum, the first milk produced by cows or buffaloes after giving birth. Rich in nutrients, colostrum lends Kharvas its unique texture and health benefits. However, due to the rarity and specific nature of colostrum, our recipe adapts this traditional treat using easily accessible ingredients like steamed yogurt, condensed milk and milk powder, allowing you to recreate this beloved dessert in your own kitchen.

Kharvas indian sweet recipe

The Rich Cultural Background of Kharvas

Kharvas is more than just a dessert; it’s a cultural symbol in Indian culinary tradition, often prepared during special occasions and festivals to celebrate new life and beginnings. The original method of preparation using colostrum milk is a testament to the resourcefulness of traditional cooking methods, making use of a nutrient-rich ingredient that would otherwise be overlooked in many cultures.

Understanding the Ingredients

Each component in our Kharvas recipe plays a vital role:

  • Bhappa Doi (Steamed Yogurt): This is your base, offering a creamy and slightly tangy backdrop that mimics the rich texture of colostrum.
  • Condensed Milk: It sweetens the dish while enhancing its creamy consistency.
  • Milk Powder: This ingredient acts as a thickener, enriching the dairy profile of the dessert.
  • Regular or Thick Milk: Adjusts the consistency of your mixture and adds smoothness.
  • Saffron: Soaked in warm milk, saffron infuses Kharvas with its signature golden color and a subtle but distinctive aroma.
  • Cardamom Powder: Adds a layer of aromatic warmth, which is essential in many Indian sweets.
Kharvas mithai

Detailed Step-by-Step Cooking Guide

Preparing the Mixture:

  1. Combine Dairy: Start with blending 1 cup of Bhappa doi with 1/2 cup condensed milk until smooth.
  2. Add Dry Ingredients: Integrate 1/2 cup of milk powder, then gradually pour in 1 cup of regular milk, stirring continuously to maintain a smooth consistency.
  3. Incorporate Flavorings: Stir in the saffron milk and cardamom powder until the mixture is uniformly colored and fragrant.

Setting Up for Steaming:

  1. Prepare Moulds: Grease your moulds with butter or ghee to prevent sticking and ensure easy demoulding.
  2. Transfer the Mixture: Spoon the mixture into the prepared moulds, filling them nearly to the brim.

Cooking Process:

  1. Steam Setup: Create a double boiler by boiling water in a large pot and placing a steamer or porous plate above the water level.
  2. Cook: Place the moulds on the steamer, cover, and let them steam for about 30-35 minutes, or until set.
Kharvas mithai recipe
Maharashtra's Famous Kharvas Dessert Without Using Colostrum Milk (30 mins, Veg) 9

Finishing Touches:

  1. Cooling: Allow the cooked Kharvas to cool at room temperature before covering with parchment or foil.
  2. Refrigerate: Chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour to allow the dessert to fully set.

Serving Suggestions:

  • Presentation: Demould the Kharvas gently and slice into preferred shapes. Garnish with a sprinkle of powdered cardamom or pistachio slivers for an extra touch of elegance.

Tips for Perfect Kharvas

  • Ingredient Quality: Use the freshest ingredients available, especially dairy products, to ensure a rich and authentic taste.
  • Consistency Check: The mixture should be velvety and free of lumps before steaming, so mix thoroughly.
  • Steaming Watch: Keep an eye on the water level in your steamer to ensure it doesn’t run dry, and adjust the heat as necessary to maintain a gentle steam.
Kharvas indian sweet
Maharashtra's Famous Kharvas Dessert Without Using Colostrum Milk (30 mins, Veg) 10


Q: Can I make Kharvas without a steamer? A: Yes, you can use a pressure cooker without the whistle or a large pot with a lid, placing a stand inside to keep the moulds above water.

Q: How long can I store Kharvas? A: Kharvas can be refrigerated for up to 5 days when stored in an airtight container.


Kharvas- Indian sweet

Prep Time 10 mins Cook Time 20 mins Total Time 30 mins
Calories: 200 kcal


Kharvas is a traditional Indian dessert that is both delicious and unique, originally made from the colostrum milk of cows or buffaloes. This recipe adapts the traditional method to utilize more readily available ingredients like steamed yogurt and condensed milk, allowing you to recreate its delightful taste and texture at home. Enjoy the creamy, rich flavor of this dessert with the added aromatic hints of saffron and cardamom.



Off On

Prepare the Mixture:

  1. Mix the Dairy: In a large mixing bowl, combine the Bhappa doi and condensed milk. Use a balloon whisk to mix thoroughly until no lumps remain.
  2. Integrate Milk Powders: Add the milk powder to the mixture and then pour in the regular milk (or the thick milk if substituting). Stir well to fully integrate.
  3. Add Flavorings: Incorporate the saffron soaked in warm milk along with the cardamom powder. Stir with a spoon until everything is evenly mixed.

Prepare the Moulds:

  1. Grease: Lightly grease the insides of your chosen moulds or katoris with butter or ghee.
  2. Pour: Carefully transfer the prepared mixture into the greased moulds, filling them up to the top.

Steaming Process:

  1. Set up Double Boiler: Fill a large pot with water and bring to a boil to create a double boiler. Place a porous plate over the pot, ensuring it sits well above the water level.
  2. Steam the Kharvas: Once steam begins to form, carefully place the filled moulds on the plate. Cover the pot with a lid and let it steam for 30-35 minutes.

Check Doneness:

  1. Toothpick Test: After the steaming time, check the doneness of the Kharvas using a toothpick. Insert it into the dessert, and if it comes out clean, the Kharvas is cooked.

Cooling and Setting:

  1. Cool: Remove the Kharvas from the steamer and allow them to come to room temperature.
  2. Refrigerate: Cover each mould with parchment paper or aluminum foil and refrigerate for at least an hour to set properly.
  3. Serving
  4. Demould and Serve: Once set, demould the Kharvas, cut into your desired shapes, and serve chilled.
Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 120

Amount Per Serving
Calories 200kcal
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 7g11%
Saturated Fat 5g25%
Sodium 100mg5%
Total Carbohydrate 30g10%
Dietary Fiber 1g4%
Sugars 20g
Protein 7g15%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily value may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.


  • Consistency of Bhappa Doi: The consistency of the Bhappa doi is crucial; it should be creamy and not sour to ensure the right texture and flavor balance in the final dish.
  • Steaming Setup: Ensure that the steaming setup is correct, with the water not touching the bottom of the moulds. This will ensure even cooking without water seeping into the Kharvas.
  • Chilling Time: Do not rush the chilling time; it’s important for the Kharvas to set properly to achieve the perfect texture.
Keywords: Steaming


This simplified recipe brings the exquisite flavors of traditional Indian Kharvas to your table using ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply craving a uniquely comforting dessert, Kharvas is the perfect choice. Enjoy the process of creating this delightful treat and relish the delicious results!

This comprehensive guide ensures you are well-equipped to tackle this recipe and understand its cultural significance and nutritional values, making your culinary experience not just about tasting but learning and appreciating. Moreover, preparing Kharvas at home allows you to connect with the rich culinary heritage of India, offering a glimpse into the rituals and traditions that have shaped Indian cuisine over centuries. This dessert isn’t just a treat for the palate; it’s a journey through history and culture, served up in a sweet, creamy form.

By choosing to make Kharvas using accessible substitutes like Bhappa doi and condensed milk, you also embrace a more inclusive approach to traditional recipes, adapting ancient customs to modern times. This adaptation not only preserves the essence of the original dish but also makes it more approachable for those who might not have access to colostrum milk. Each bite of this creamy dessert is a celebration of innovation and tradition, proving that even the most authentic culinary experiences can be recreated with a touch of creativity and understanding.

So, dive into this recipe with enthusiasm, knowing that you are about to recreate a masterpiece of Indian culinary art. Share it with family and friends to spread the joy and rich flavor that Kharvas brings to every occasion. It’s more than just a dessert; it’s a piece of cultural heritage that you can bring to life in your own kitchen.

Maharashtra's Famous Kharvas Dessert Without Using Colostrum Milk (30 mins, Veg)


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    **Uremont** – это ваш надежный помощник в
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