Bottle Gourd (Lauki) Kheer Recipe: A Delicious Sugar-Free 15 minutes No Milk Vegan Dessert

Generally, traditional recipes often get a decadent twist but what about a healthy one? Enter the Bottle Gourd (also called Lauki) Kheer, a dessert that marries health with sweetness in a unique and delightful way. This isn’t just any kheer; it’s a reinterpretation that caters to the health-conscious and those with dietary restrictions.

Moving away from the heavy reliance on refined sugars and dairy, this kheer uses natural ingredients to deliver a delicious, guilt-free experience. This Bottle Gourd Kheer recipe might just be what you need to satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising on health.

Bottle Gourd (Lauki) Kheer Recipe: A Delicious Sugar-Free 15 minutes No Milk Vegan Dessert

What is this Lauki kheer recipe all about?

At its core, this Bottle Gourd Kheer recipe is about simplicity and health. It incorporates the humble bottle gourd, known for its mild flavor and numerous health benefits, and pairs it with nuts and natural sweeteners to enhance both its taste and nutritive profile.

The process involves soaking and grinding nuts and seeds along with fox nuts and dates, which are then cooked with grated bottle gourd. Saffron is added for a touch of luxury and color, creating a visually appealing dish.

Lauki ka halwa
Lauki ka halwa

The final dish is subtly sweetened with dates, making it perfect for those monitoring their sugar intake. The inclusion of nuts and seeds adds a crunch that contrasts beautifully with the soft texture of the cooked gourd.

Nutritional Highlights

This Lauki kheer is not just tasty but also packed with nutrients. Bottle gourd is low in calories but high in dietary fiber. It’s also hydrating and cooling, making it ideal for warm weather. Nuts and seeds contribute healthy fats and proteins, making this dish both filling and nutritious.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use another type of milk instead of water?

Absolutely! While this lauki ki kheer recipe uses water to maintain a lighter profile, using almond milk or coconut milk can add richness and flavor.

Q: Is this dessert suitable for diabetics?

Yes, by controlling the amount of dates and monitoring the natural sugars, diabetics can enjoy this kheer in moderation.

Step 1: Preparing the Nuts and Seeds Mixture

Start by gathering all your dry ingredients for lauki ki kheer recipe:

  • Cashews: 1 tablespoon
  • Almonds: 1 tablespoon
  • Watermelon seeds: 1 tablespoon
  • Magajh ke beej (melon seeds): 1 tablespoon
  • Makhana (Fox nuts): 1 cup
  • Dates: Deseeded, quantity as per required sweetness

  1. Soaking: Place all these ingredients in a bowl, and cover them with water. Let them soak for about 15 minutes. This softens the nuts, seeds, and makhana, making them easier to grind and enhancing their flavors.

Step 2: Grinding

  1. Drain the water: After soaking, drain the water from the nuts, seeds, makhana, and dates.
  2. Grinding with saffron: Add these ingredients to a grinder. Include a pinch of saffron (kesar) soaked in a little water for a lovely color and a hint of fragrance. Grind everything into a smooth paste. If the mixture is too dry, add a little more water just to aid the grinding process.

Step 3: Preparing the Bottle Gourd

  1. Grate the bottle gourd (lauki): Take a fresh bottle gourd, ensure it’s seedless, and grate it finely. The freshness of the gourd contributes significantly to the flavor of the kheer.
  2. Cooking the gourd: In a heavy-bottomed pan, heat 1 teaspoon of ghee. Add the grated bottle gourd to the pan and sauté it on medium heat. Cook until it’s about 90% done. This step is crucial as it brings out the natural sweetness and texture of the bottle gourd.

Step 4: Combining the Ingredients

  1. Add the ground paste: Once the bottle gourd (lauki) is nearly cooked, incorporate the ground paste of nuts, seeds, and makhana into the pan.
  2. Dilute the mixture: To achieve the right consistency of kheer, add water to the mixture in a 1:3 ratio (1 part paste to 3 parts water). Stir well to combine everything thoroughly.
  3. Cook the mixture: Allow the kheer to cook for about 5 minutes on a medium-low flame. Stir occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Step 5: Final Touches

  1. Add cardamom powder: After the kheer has cooked, sprinkle in 1 teaspoon of cardamom (elaichi) powder for aroma and flavor. Mix well.
  2. Simmer briefly: Let the kheer simmer for another 1.5 to 2 minutes after adding the cardamom. This short cooking time helps the flavors to meld without making the kheer too thick.

Serving and Storing

  • Serving: Serve this delicious Bottle Gourd (lauki) Kheer warm or chilled, garnished with a few more slivers of almonds or cashews if desired.
  • Storing: If there are leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Reheat gently before serving, adding a little water if the kheer has thickened too much.

Recipe and Cooking Tips

Quality of Ingredients: The quality of the bottle gourd is vital. Choose a fresh, firm gourd without blemishes.

Consistency of the Paste: Ensure the ground paste of nuts, seeds, and makhana is fine and uniform. This affects the texture of the final dish.

Water to Paste Ratio: Maintaining a 1:3 ratio of paste to water ensures the kheer is not too thick or too runny. Adjust as needed based on your preference.

Cooking the Bottle Gourd: Sautéing the gourd in ghee until it’s nearly cooked retains its texture and enhances its natural sweetness.

Final Cooking: Don’t overcook once everything is combined; just enough to bring everything together and allow the flavors to meld.


This Bottle Gourd (Lauki) Kheer recipe redefines what a dessert can be: nourishing, satisfying, and utterly delicious. It’s a testament to how traditional recipes can be adapted to fit modern health standards without sacrificing flavor.

This dessert isn’t just a treat; it’s a celebration of healthful indulgence. Try this at home and let the flavors tell their own vibrant story.

Bottle Gourd (Lauki) Kheer Recipe: A Delicious Sugar-Free 15 minutes No Milk Vegan Dessert

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